We envision this chat as a fun and productive experience for anyone who participates.
To make it so, we suggest a few guidelines that you may already follow, you classy person, you!
1. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Since this chat is open to all interested parties, it's open to all interested opinions. And there will be times we don't agree on everything. Please be polite when disagreeing with a point or attempting to validate your own.
2. The Universe is watching. Please remember this when using names of industry people (or people in general). Since this is a public chat, anyone can see your comments and pass them along to others.
3. Participate! While you are welcome to simply follow along, we'd love to hear from you.
4. This isn't Craigslist. Please don't advertise yourself, your work, or your personal belongings with this hashtag. We want this to be a place to socialize and learn about Middle Grade literature.
5. Keep it clean. Please refrain from strong language and crude slang for race/religion/sexual orientation, etc, even if in casual speech. Please also avoid TALKING IN ALL CAPS (unless you're super excited).